Are customers tuning out during your sales pitches to answer email?

Over 20,000 Sales Engineers (and Account Managers) worldwide have now been trained in The Lost Art Of White Boarding. This original workshop covers the best practices of whiteboarding for the Sales Engineer. Starting from the basics such as stance, speed, and use of color, the class builds through practical exercises designed to convince anyone that you can still visually explain and sell your solution with almost no artistic ability and terrible handwriting.

A customer just helped us put together a great study about how White Boarding Over Powers PowerPoint – it’s worth the read to understand some of the measurable sales gains they achieved! You can also learn more about the ROI Of White Boarding as recently featured by Bloomberg News.

Some Great Resources For The White Boarding SE

#1: Drawing The Cloud – The Cloud is really “hot” right now. So when you draw a cloud, what are some of the nuances you should be considering?

#2: Remote Boarding – You can White Board when Webcasting especially when presenting an Architecture to a customer. Here are some great tools and techniques.

#3: Simple Icons and Concepts – Eight great ideas for the non-artists out there to get their ideas across.

#4: More Icon Tips – Eight more simple and effective ideas for icons simple enough that everyone can use them.

#5 Icon Tips: Data Sources – As SE’s we deal with data and information. So you need to be able to quickly sketch them and link them.

#6 Icon Tips: Vertical Markets – Sketching for vertical markets and Industries

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